tokyobike Hong Kong

tokyobike is newly brought to Hong Kong by Bike The Moment Store 髦民士多. We are a lifestyle bicycle store which focus on urban cycling experience and how bikes connect to life. That’s why we love tokyobike want to bring it to Hong Kong, to share the joy of urban cycling, to discover the surprise in our daily lives. Get your bike and join our tokyobike Hong Kong community 🙂

tokyobike 剛由我們髦民士多帶來香港。我們是一間單車生活店,希望注重的是單車如何令大家的生活更好玩有趣,和生活帶來更多聯繫。因此我們引入了 tokyobike,一個同樣喜歡 lifestyle 的日本單車品牌,與大家一起分享urban cycling 的樂趣,一起發掘城市單車的樂趣。快選擇你喜歡的 tokyobike 來一起加入 tokyobike hong kong 吧!

tokyobike x New Balance
*2015 別注版

tokyobike x New Balance limited edition 是今年年初的品牌,正是讓這種 city bike 與大家日常生活的時裝結合。這款的首次將瓦色(matt finishing)放到 CS 型號上。其實 Navy 這個顏色也是。另外在配以更高階點的配備,包括 Brooks 的saddle 和 hand grip。Navy 會配 Cambium C17 的黑色系列+白邊黑胎 而 Mustard 就配以白色系列+全象牙色車胎。由於是別注版,所以買完就沒有。

配合這款特別版 tokyobike ,New Balance 還出了一個單車系列 C600。

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tokyobike new balance 髦民士多 bike the moment store tokyobike hong kong tokyobike Hong Kong P2220618

tokyobike 髦民士多 bike the moment store tokyobike hong kong tokyobike Hong Kong 110512213953

CS – classic sport

The CS is the perfect bike for you to immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the city. The posture is mostly upright, allowing you to enjoy the passing scenery at a comfortable pace. Its versatility also makes it an ideal commuting bike. It features 8 speeds, clean lines, neutral colours and a timeless style.

CS 是 classic sport 的意思,是 tokyobike 中最受歡迎的型號,男生女生都適合。線條簡約之餘但又能提供最好的urban cycling 體驗。你知道在城市裡踩單車最重要是什麼嗎?就是單車要安全舒適得來同時亦要夠漂亮。CS 有最多其他品牌沒有的顏色配搭,例如 blue gray,moss green,salmon red 等等。挑選最適合自己的顏色,以最好的心情暢遊屬於我們的城市吧!

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The BISOU is a unisex bike and is the most laid back model in the range. It’s perfect for those who prefer a leisurely ride in a comfortable & upright posture. The bevelled top tube makes getting on & off the bike a breeze. It features 7 speeds & comes with a grip-shifter system, making it very easy to switch speeds. Colours are bright & breezy with exclusive colours made available only to the BISOU.

Bisou 是 tokyobike 中最悠閒舒適而優雅的型號。首先她的魅力在於漂亮的顏色配搭,Momo 啦,Navy 啦,Peacock 等等,全部都是令人一見難忘的顏色。另外就是她的手把設計,小小M 字的形狀令你可以直坐的姿勢享受著 urban cycling 的樂趣,就算踩長時間都不會覺得腰背會累。另外值得一提的還有她的特大 gear 令你可以以超輕鬆的腳力踩動你的單車。

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SS – single speed (limited version)

The SS is our lightest model with an emphasis on modern simplicity. Fitted with Brooks Team Pro saddle, Slender Leather Grips, 650c wheels and a classic handlebar, the SS is truly the perfect gentleman’s bike. This model comes as a ‘free wheel’, with the option of conversion to fixed gear.

SS 是 tokyobike 中的 fixed gear / single speed 可換型號。因為可以隨時裝換,對於剛剛想踩 fixed gear 可是最好的選擇。對於已經熟練 fixed gear 的朋友,它的魅力就在於獨特的顏色配搭和原廠配置的 Brooks 手把與座位。淡泊而低調的顏色配搭配上獨特的象牙色輪胎,完全不是坊間一般fixed gear 能夠模仿的優雅。

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The SPORT9s is the slickest and most athletic model, suitable for riders who crave the need for speed. Equipped with 9-speeds and 650c tyres, you’ll be able to pedal with less effort at a faster speed. A forward posture and straight handlebar ensure that the bike is light and responsive, assisting with swift movements. The SPORT comes in vivid sporty colours with a matt finishing that is unique to the model.

Sport 是 tokyobike 中最運動型的型號。不過雖然是運動型,但就依然保留了 tokyobike 一貫線條簡潔與顏色亮麗的設計風格。可以說是運動型單車中性能與外表並重的最好示範。所有 sport 型號的車身都是瓦面 (Matt) 的。配備9個波段與650c 的車輪能夠令你以更小的力量達到更快的速度,適合對速度與外表均有追求的朋友。

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