關於我們 //
「髦民士多 Bike The Moment Store」 是隸屬 Bike The Moment 的一間的美好生活單車店(其實就是一間單車店 XP)。由 Hughes 和 Queenie 兩位親自打理。開始於2014年的秋天,「髦民」的意思,即是時髦的人民。意思是因為我們覺得這個年代能夠把單車帶進生活的人才是時髦的生活態度。
於是回來後我們決定用畢業後少少的積蓄開了這間單車店。希望將單車用另外一個模式呈現給大家,希望大家看重的是單車能帶給你的快樂而不是零件有多堅固。所以我們除了買單車之外,也會不定時搞一些workshop 和 分享會,主要也是以單車作為出發點,連接不同的生活元素。
我們現在是 tokyobike 的本地唯一 premium reseller。我們喜歡它的風格而且覺得它非常適合我們在城市裡暢遊穿梭。另外STRiDA 也是我們的產品之一,方便收藏又又漂亮的配色,很受香港的髦民歡迎。
About Us //
Bike The Moment Store is a bicycle lifestyle store under Bike The Moment, a hong kong local-based urban cycling website and facebook page. It’s now managed by the two founders- Hughes and Queenie. Literally, the Chinese name 髦民士多 is a translation of Bike The Moment Store which means this is a bicycle store for people who have a trendy lifestyle because we believe that nowadays, people who have bicycle in their lives are the real trendy guys.
The reason why we opened this store is because Hughes and Queenie had travelled to Europe in April and May 2014. During the trip, we have fully experienced how good life could be with bicycle – you can bike to work instead of packing with people on bus or train. You can bike to a beach or park in city centre with your friends or families just for a lovely picnic or for a lazy chit-chat gathering.
Therefore, after we came back to Hong Kong, we decided to bet all our savings after graduation to open this bicycle store. We hope to give a different impression of bicycle to people in Hong Kong. Therefore our bicycle shop is not like what you can see elsewhere. We hope that one can focus on the happiness of riding on a bicycle but not the parts or the speed. Therefore, we also organize different workshops to bring different interesting elements to bicycle.
We are the only premium reseller of tokyobike in Hong Kong. We love its style and think it’s stylish and suits everyone who loves urban cycling. Beside, we also have the foldable bike STRiDA which is very colorful and easy to store at home. Don’t hesitate to come to them.
there are mainly four different areas in Bike The Moment Store 髦民士多...
這是我們店舖的部份,單車方面主要售賣 tokyobike 和 STRiDA,另外也會不停尋找一些新鮮又好 city bike 給大家。大部份的顏色和型號我們都有,而且還歡迎大家隨時上來試試。畢竟單車是貼身的物品,所以我們非常樂意給大家試清楚試到舒服為止。
Bike The Moment Store
This is the part where we mainly showcases all the bikes and products we have. We most type and colour of tokyobike and STRiDA for you to try. After all, bicycle is something that you will sit on and ride for a few hours every time. Therefore, feel free to come up and try until you find the most comfortable one for yourself.
除此之外,我們也歡迎任何artist 或有特別的東西想和大家分享的人。歡迎隨時聯絡我們 (+852) 9312 8538 查詢更多。
Exhibition corner – we are currently exhibiting our photo journey where we had our longest travel so far in our lives in Europe earlier spring this year. Come and have a look! We are more than happy to share with you what we wee and who we meet in our 37 days adventure.
Besides, we also welcome other artist or anyone who has anything that is interesting to share with us and our fellow urban biking community. Feel free to contact us for more information : (+852) 9312 8538.
This little coffee corner is for Queenie to share her fresh made drinks and snacks with everyone. Currently we are serving fresh made popcorn in different favor and signature “moment coffee” (in cloud shape) which are created and served by Queenie herself. For anyone who loves cloud or foam just can’t miss it.
這是我們整間店最舒服的角落,是一個日式榻榻米風格的 hea 坐空間。大家來到可以隨便坐坐休息一下,看看雜誌和書,吹吹水。這也是我們 gathering 的地方。
同時,這個小小的空間,亦是接著舉辦的 A Hand with Store 工作坊之場地,內容由單車開始體驗結束。至於有什麼workshop?大家請密切留意 =)
This is the coziest area that you can sit down and take some rest. It’s in japaness tatami style, please take times to read some of our favourite bicycle and lifestyle magazines. This is also where we can enjoy beer after night has come 🙂
Also, this is where we will hold the “A Hand with Store” workshop. All the experimental ideas (topic from bicycle to lifestyle) will take place here, and you are welcome to join. Stay tuned for the upcoming schedule and reserve your time =)
address //
Unit A6, 12/f, Mai Hing Industrial Building Block A,
16-18 Hing Yip Street,
Kwun Tong, Kowloon
social //
facebook : Bike The Moment Store 髦民士多 / tokyobike Hong Kong
instagram : bikethemoment_store
hashtag : #tokyobikehk / #bikethemomentstore
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地址 //
contact //
tel:(+852) 9312 8538